Florida Department of Elder Affairs- Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative

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Florida Department of Elder Affairs- Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative

The Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative (ADI) provides respite services including in-home, adult day care, emergency, and extended care (up to 30 days) for caregivers who serve patients with memory disorders. In addition to respite services, the ADI supports services including case management.

These services are provided through the 11 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs). For eligibility requirements and how to receive these services, you can contact your local Area Agency on Aging by calling the Elder Helpline at
1-800-96-Elder (1-800-963-5337)

In Florida there are 17 Memory Disorder Clinics operating in 13 distinct service areas across Florida that provide testing, education, and referral services for persons with dementia. The clinics also conduct research and provide caregiver support and education.

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